Tldr : Say Goodbye to Confusing Man Pages
In the vast world of command-line interfaces (CLI), navigating through complex commands can often feel like deciphering hieroglyphics. That’s where the tldr pages step in. Born out of a desire to simplify the beloved but often convoluted man pages, tldr offers a community-driven approach to understanding commands with practical examples.
What are tldr Pages?
- tldr pages are a community effort aimed at simplifying man pages.
- They provide concise explanations of commands along with practical examples.
- The project is driven by the community, making it accessible and adaptable.
Installation and Accessibility:
- Installation is made easy with npm for Node.js users.
- Various clients, including command-line, GUI, and web-based, cater to diverse user preferences.
- Integration with other applications further enhances accessibility.
sudo npm install -g tldr
tldr --update